Integra Health PC

Temecula Sleep Center

Sleep-related ailments can result in numerous health challenges, significantly impacting your overall well-being. At Integra Health, we provide comprehensive sleep testing services within our specialized sleep facility to meticulously monitor and address any potential sleep-related concerns you may encounter.

Situated in Temecula, our advanced sleep assessment facility offers a cutting-edge environment designed to ensure your safety and comfort throughout the diagnostic process. Our experienced team conducts thorough sleep studies, enabling precise diagnosis of sleep disorders and collaborative development of effective treatment strategies tailored to your individual needs.

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Meet Your Doctor

Dr. Chua

With more than twenty years of expertise as a Pulmonary and Sleep specialist, Dr. Willy Chua is committed to enhancing the well-being of his patients. Renowned for his compassionate care, Dr. Chua endeavors to offer unparalleled support to individuals seeking relief from various respiratory and sleep-related conditions. From the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to the treatment of asthma and sleep apnea, Dr. Chua’s proficiency and individualized care approach contribute significantly to the excellence of the Integra Health team.

Willy Chua, MD - Pulmonologist & Sleep Specialist

types of Sleep Studies

Diagnostic Sleep Study Polysomnography (PSG)

CPAP Titration

Home Sleep Apnea Test

Multiple Sleep Latency Test

Struggling with sleep?

We recognize the complexities and difficulties that come with coping with sleep disorders. Whether you’re facing challenges like sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, or other sleep-related issues, know that you’re not alone in your struggles. Our empathetic team is dedicated to assisting you through each stage of your journey towards achieving better sleep. We understand that seeking treatment can seem daunting, but regardless of the specific disorder or your level of knowledge, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our objective is to cultivate a supportive and educational atmosphere, ensuring your comfort as you take the initial steps towards enhancing your sleep and overall wellness.

Sleep Disorders We Treat

Temecula Sleep Center Pics

“It’s like staying in a 5-star hotel”

Integra Health, PC

Visit our Temecula Office

Our clinic is positioned in a prime location, offering convenient accessibility and abundant parking options. Our office layout is meticulously planned to prioritize your comfort and convenience, guaranteeing a superior experience when you choose to visit us.

Integra Health, PC

Book an Appointment

We accept most PPO,HMO and Medicare insurance plans. We recommend you
contact your insurance plan to insure we are in-network. HMO plans require a primary care provider referral.