A man undergoing a sleep study, with electrodes attached to his head and body, lying in bed and connected to monitoring equipment.

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of our lives, yet for millions of people worldwide, it remains an elusive and troublesome experience. Poor sleep from various disorders affects a significant portion of the global population, with estimates suggesting that 50-70 million adults in the United States alone suffer from some form of sleep disorder. These various sleep disorders include insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome, each of these presenting unique challenges to those affected.

Given the prevalence and potential impact of sleep disorders on overall health and quality of life, proper diagnosis is crucial. This is where polysomnography, commonly known as a sleep study, comes into play. As a comprehensive diagnostic tool, polysomnography has revolutionized our understanding of sleep disorders and provides valuable insights into the different processes that occur during our nightly rest.

What is a Polysomnogram?

A polysomnogram is a multi-parametric test used to study sleep and diagnose sleep disorders. It involves recording various physiological functions during sleep, including brain activity, eye movements, muscle activity, heart rhythm, breathing patterns, and blood oxygen levels. The purpose of this test is to evaluate the quality and quantity of a person’s sleep, identify any disruptions in sleep patterns, and diagnose specific sleep disorders.

There are two primary types of sleep studies: sleep center or hospital studies and studies performed at home. Polysomnography performed in a sleep lab is the gold standard, offering the most comprehensive data collection and the ability to intervene if necessary. Home sleep studies, while more convenient, are typically limited in scope and are usually reserved for suspected cases of obstructive sleep apnea in otherwise healthy individuals.

A polysomnogram is recommended when a healthcare provider suspects a sleep disorder based on symptoms such as excessive daytime sleepiness, loud snoring, observed breathing pauses during sleep, unexplained fatigue, or difficulty falling or staying asleep. If you and your doctor have discussed a sleep study to help diagnose problems, this is what you should expect on the day of the study.

Preparing for a Sleep Study

Proper preparation is key to ensuring accurate results from a polysomnogram. To ensure that this happens, it’s crucial to maintain your regular sleep schedule in the days leading up to the study. This means going to bed and waking up at your usual times, even on weekends. Consistency in your sleep patterns helps the sleep specialists get a true picture of your typical sleep behaviors and any issues you may be experiencing.

On the day of the test, it’s important to avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol. These substances can significantly affect your heart rate and sleep patterns, potentially skewing the results of the study. Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and some sodas, is a stimulant that can make it harder to fall asleep and may change how easily you fall asleep. Alcohol, while it might make you feel sleepy initially, can disrupt your sleep cycles and lead to poorer quality sleep overall.

Refraining from napping on the day of the study is another crucial step. While it might be tempting to catch up on sleep before the test, napping can alter your sleep drive and circadian rhythms. This could potentially make it more difficult for you to fall asleep during the study or could affect the natural progression of your sleep stages, leading to results that don’t accurately reflect your typical sleep patterns.

Personal hygiene plays a role in preparation as well. It’s recommended to wash your hair before the study and to avoid using any hair products or makeup. Clean, product-free hair allows for better attachment and conductivity of the electrodes that will be placed on your scalp to measure brain activity. Similarly, a clean face without makeup ensures that electrodes can be securely attached around your eyes and on your chin to measure eye movements and muscle activity.

Regarding medications, it’s generally advised to continue taking your regular prescriptions unless specifically instructed otherwise by your doctor. Some medications can affect sleep patterns, and abruptly stopping them could lead to withdrawal effects or other issues that could interfere with the study results. However, it’s crucial to discuss all your medications with your healthcare provider or the sleep specialist before the study. They may advise you to adjust or temporarily stop certain medications that could significantly impact the sleep study results.

When packing for the sleep center, you should bring comfortable sleepwear, toiletries, and any medications that you regularly take. It’s also advisable to bring a book or other quiet activity for downtime before sleep.

Upon arrival at the sleep center, you will be checked in and shown to your room. A sleep technologist will explain the procedure and answer any questions.

The Sleep Study Environment

A typical sleep lab room is designed to resemble a comfortable bedroom, often featuring a bed, nightstand, and sometimes a TV or reading chair. The room is usually private and equipped with soundproofing and light-blocking curtains to create an environment conducive to sleep.

The cornerstone of polysomnography is the array of sophisticated equipment used to diagnose sleep disorders. This includes electrodes, sensors, and monitoring devices, all connected to a central computer system for data collection and analysis.

Sleep technicians play a crucial role in the study. They are responsible for setting up the equipment, monitoring the patient throughout the night, and ensuring the quality of data collected. Their expertise is essential in identifying and addressing any issues that may arise during the study. 

Sensors and Measurements

The sleep study involves a comprehensive set of sensors to measure different aspects and types of sleep:

  1. EEG (Electroencephalogram): Electrodes placed on the scalp record brain wave activity, which is crucial for determining sleep stages and identifying abnormalities.
  2. EOG (Electrooculogram): Sensors near the eyes track eye movements, helping to identify REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and other sleep stages.
  3. EMG (Electromyogram): Electrodes on the chin and legs measure muscle activity, aiding in the detection of REM sleep and movement disorders like periodic limb movement disorder.
  4. ECG (Electrocardiogram): Monitors heart rhythm and rate, which can reveal sleep-related cardiac issues.
  5. Respiratory monitors: Belts around the chest and abdomen measure breathing effort and patterns.
  6. Oxygen saturation: A small device called a pulse oximeter, usually clipped to a finger, measures blood oxygen levels.
  7. Body position sensors: These track changes in sleep position throughout the night.
  8. Audio and video recording: Used to correlate observed behaviors with measured physiological changes.

The Night of the Study With The Technologist

During the setup process, sensors are placed by the sleep technician on various parts of the body. This process can take 30-45 minutes and may feel a bit uncomfortable, but it’s not painful. The technologist ensures that all sensors are secure and functioning correctly.

Once set up, patients are encouraged to follow their normal bedtime routine as much as possible. The typical schedule involves some time to relax and wind down before attempting to sleep. Throughout the night, the sleep technologist monitors the data from an adjacent room.

If a patient needs to use the restroom during the night, they can alert the technologist, who will temporarily disconnect the wires to allow movement. In some cases, particularly if sleep apnea is suspected, the technologist may introduce a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine partway through the night to assess its effectiveness.

Advanced Sleep Analysis and Data Collection

Throughout the sleep study, technologists monitor the data in real time, ensuring the quality of recordings and noting any significant events. The data collected helps identify the different stages of sleep:

  • N1: Light sleep
  • N2: Deeper sleep
  • N3: Deep sleep (slow wave)
  • REM: Rapid Eye Movement sleep, associated with dreaming


Key parameters measured include sleep latency (time to fall asleep), sleep efficiency (percentage of time in bed actually asleep), number and duration of awakenings, time spent in each sleep stage, and frequency and severity of any breathing interruptions or limb movements.

After the Study

In the morning, the technologist wakes the patient and removes the sensors on the head and the rest of the body. Patients can then prepare for the day and leave the sleep center. The collected data is thoroughly analyzed by sleep doctors and other specialists, who interpret the results and prepare a comprehensive report.

Patients typically have a follow-up appointment with their sleep specialist or referring physician to discuss the results and any recommended treatments.

Interpreting Sleep Study Results

Common findings from a polysomnogram may include:

  1. Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep
  2. Central Sleep Apnea: Similar to obstructive sleep apnea, but caused by the brain failing to signal breathing muscles
  3. Periodic Limb Movement Disorder: Repetitive limb movements during sleep
  4. REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: Acting out dreams during REM sleep
  5. Narcolepsy: A neurological disorder causing excessive daytime sleepiness and sudden sleep attacks

Based on these findings, treatment recommendations might include lifestyle changes, CPAP therapy, medication, or further testing. In some cases, additional studies may be necessary to confirm a diagnosis or titrate treatment.

Benefits and Limitations of Polysomnography

In-lab polysomnography offers several advantages:

  • Comprehensive data collection
  • Ability to diagnose a wide range of sleep disorders
  • Controlled environment for accurate measurements
  • Immediate intervention if dangerous events occur

However, there are some potential drawbacks:

  • Unfamiliar sleep environment may affect sleep quality
  • Higher cost compared to home sleep studies
  • May require time off work or arrangements for child/pet care
  • Limited availability in some areas

Compared to other sleep assessment methods like at-home sleep apnea tests, polysomnography provides the most detailed and accurate information about sleep. However, these alternative methods can be useful for the initial screening or monitoring of certain conditions.


Polysomnography is a powerful tool in the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders. By providing a comprehensive view of what happens during the different sleep stages, healthcare providers can accurately identify issues and develop targeted treatment options. The process, while potentially daunting at first, is non-invasive and can provide valuable insights into one’s sleep health.

If you’re experiencing persistent sleep issues, don’t hesitate to discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider. Sleep disorders are common and often treatable, but proper diagnosis is the first step toward better sleep and improved overall health.